CBSE Schools Give Stress on Life Skills Education

Published 13 years ago
2 min 19 sec Read

Life Skills

With the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system introduced by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) being extended to classes six, seven and eight, the focus on co-scholastic skills of students has become an integral part of the student evaluation system in CBSE schools from upper-primary classes.

A key component of co-scholastic skills assessed under CCE is development of life skills of students. Life skill training programme under the CCE is targeted at adolescent students between 10 and 18 years of age. The CBSE has published a set of guidelines to help teachers in imparting life skill education in a manual titled `Life Skill Education and CCE.'

The manual states that ‘‘life skills training is an efficacious tool for empowering youth to act responsibly, take initiative and take control.''

According to the manual, life skill education for adolescent students is crucial for developing psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills, and helps them in making informed decisions, problem solving, critical thinking, effective communication, building healthy relationships and managing their lives in a healthy and productive manner.

Life skill development also plays an important role in dissuading adolescents from resorting to high risk behaviours such as alcoholism, drug abuse and casual relationships when confronted with emotional issues caused by daily conflicts, entangled relationships and peer pressure.

The manual sets down four basic components for imparting life skill training through participatory learning; practical activities, feedback and reflections, consolidation and reinforcement and practical application to day to day life challenges.

It suggests Peer Educators Approach in which a group of student representatives are first trained in life skills through a series of training workshops, who will later impart it to their peers at school. Teaching techniques like class discussions, brainstorming sessions, role plays, educational games and simulations, case studies, story telling, debates, decision mapping and audio and visual activities like arts and theatre are to be used for the purpose.

‘‘Life skill education has been part of the CBSE system for some time now. However, it is only under the CCE that students are given grades and assessed based on life skill development and attitude as part of assessment of their co-scholastic skills,'' said Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Chettachal, Principal K.O. Ratnakaran.

C.P. Kumaran, Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pattom, said the school had separate classes for life skill training in which teachers specially trained in life skill orientation took classes.


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CBSE Students Schools Central Board Of Secondary Education
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