Private schools to have mandatory quota for Poor

Published 13 years ago
1 min 16 sec Read

Quota for Poor

Kapil Sibal said on Monday that reserving 25 percent seats for children belonging to poor families will be made mandatory and its violation will be a punishable offence.

After breaking the news in Bangalore, Sibal said the government will not budge an inch from this mandatory provision in the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, as it wants to give opportunity to all poor children to study in private schools.

The RTE Act was enforced on April 1, 2010 so that free and compulsory education is given to children between the age of 6 to 14 including even those, who live below poverty line. Although various institutions have raised concerns over the quota, those failing to comply with it in the coming next three years will attract harsh penalties once the amendment bill to the Act is passed by the lawmakers in the Parliament.

While attending a function in the city, Sibal said that if private schools do not comply with the provision, they will not be allowed to function, as it will be difficult to achieve the goal of inclusive education otherwise. He further added that all private schools will have to apply for recognition, failing which they will be penalised up to Rs 100,000. If they still continue to function without paying penalty, they will be liable to pay Rs 10,000 per day as fine.


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